
Here you will find our image material and press releases for your use. Please always mention the following source “Verein zu Förderung des Gewerbegebietes Aschheim-Dornach” for the pictures and the logo.
For press inquiries and all further information we are available to you very gladly by Mail or by telephone:, +49 (0) 89 151096.

Location brochure

You can download our site brochure here.

Press reports

You can download our site brochure here.


Dr. Philipp Ullrich

Dr. Philipp Ullrich

Chairman of the association

“As owners, we feel committed to the Dornach site. Together with the community of Aschheim, we want to shape the future of ExpoGate and communicate its many advantages.”

Natalia Banfi

Natalia Banfi

Treasurer and member of the board

“Innovative and future-oriented, as well as the healthy mix of medium-sized companies and global players that is what makes our Expo Gate Munich location stand out.”